What Not to do when Renting an Apartment – Things, Mistakes to Avoid

What Not to do when Renting an Apartment: Most people believe that money is all it takes to rent apartments. This is very wrong as you can still struggle even with all the money in the world at your disposal. When this happens, it means you must have been doing or saying things without knowing. These are stifling your chances of renting that dream apartment. There is no need to bother since this post will be revealing some things you shouldn’t say or do while trying to rent an apartment. You should also check the Apartment layout in 3D before fixing the meeting. They can really increase your odds of getting that dream apartment today.


Don’t Say few things When Renting an Apartment

“I would like to buy a puppy”

Most people usually make a statement like this without taking certain factors into consideration. It is important you try to find out whether your potential landlord doesn’t have a problem with tenants keeping dogs around. This is because most of them don’t usually like such an idea even though they won’t make it obvious to you.

The reason for this is simple to understand. Puppies can sometimes pose lots of dangers around their environments. It is much better to rent the apartment and purchase a puppy later on. However, don’t ever talk about such while trying to rent the house initially.

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Never use the “hate” word

Have you ever tried to make statements that connote hate before your potential landlords in the past? What were their reactions? It is easy as you weren’t given such apartments eventually. Landlords really appreciate peaceful individuals. Therefore, trying to make statements that connote hate or violence is only making you paint a wrong picture in their mind.

For instance, avoid making a statement like “I hate my former wife a lot”. A statement like this can only mean you are shooting yourself in the leg without knowing. Also, try to avoid those statements that refer to your former landlords as “evil people”. You won’t win over your potential landlord’s heart with them.

“Can I ask one question more?”

This is really a trap and you could get caught up. It isn’t wrong trying to ask questions about the environment you plan to live in. However, don’t overuse such an option. This is because your potential landlord may have the wrong impression of you.

For instance, when you ask too many questions, landlords may see you as someone who likes complaining a lot. Another thing you want to do is ensure your questions have been carefully structured. Don’t ask questions that sound rude or authoritative as you may end up irritating your future landlord.

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“My partner lives on this street”

Whenever you get a house on lease, there is always an agreement regarding how many people would be living in it. In case you plan to move in alone, there is no need to try to bring up a discussion about your partner, boyfriend, or girlfriend living on the same street.

You can rest assured that your landlord isn’t going to find such a statement funny. The reason is that he may feel you are planning to move in with such a person. Such a statement doesn’t make your landlord trust you. Rather, it will do the opposite which is why you need to ensure it is avoided.

“I am always having issues with neighbors”

This is a crazy statement that will always raise lots of eyebrows. No landlord wants a tenant who is troublesome. In your bid to be as open as possible, you could be misunderstood by your potential landlord. This will reduce your chances of getting approved to live in such an apartment. Whatever must have happened between and your past neighbors are in the past.

There is no need to try to bring it up again. It is all about making the right statements that will make your potential landlord see you as someone who is responsible. They will always want to ask why you are leaving your present apartment. Therefore, choose your words carefully if you really want to get approved.

Mistakes Not to do when Renting an Apartment

Not reading rental contract thoroughly

It’s important to read the rental contract closely before you sign it. Make sure you ask questions if there’s something you don’t understand. If they don’t answer your questions, then you need to re-consider that rental. If you’re not careful, mistakes can sneak into your rental contract. It’s important to identify these mistakes before signing. Some of the mistakes you can avoid are not reading the lease carefully and asking questions if you don’t understand. Examples of mistakes that can happen in a rental contract are forgetting to add a pet, having a curfew that doesn’t suit your needs, or not reading the details for a final inspection.

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For instance, make sure you read the lease to make sure the landlord isn’t going to charge you a lot of late fees. Ask the landlord about keeping pets. And try to negotiate for a shorter lease to avoid paying a lot of extra fees. It can be daunting, but it’s important to remember that you need to carefully read the lease. Doing so will avoid a lot of problems. 

If you’re renting an apartment, it’s important to read the lease carefully and keep the terms in mind as you go over the document. If you forgot to ask about something, it’s not too late. You can still bring it up and ask for it to be included on the lease. Make sure you know if there’s a security deposit and if so, how much it is on agreeing to the lease. On the day of your contract signing and move-in, make sure to clarify any questions you had during the contract walkthrough. It’s important to point out any of the features you want including on the lease and make sure the landlord says yes to them.

Other possible mistakes to avoid:

  • Not ensuring whether the location will work for you or not?
  • Finalizing the renting process without seeing the actual unit
  • Not checking about the neighborhood
  • Ensuring about renter’s insurance before making the final decision

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